| 1. | He was living on the streets when he was arrested 当他被逮捕的时候,他住在大街上。 |
| 2. | He ' s been living on the streets since he was four 在他四岁时就流落街头了 |
| 3. | Several dutch families live on the street 这条街上住有几户荷兰人。 |
| 4. | A rundown section of a city characterized by drunkards living on the street 城市的破旧区域,常见到许多酒鬼露宿街头。 |
| 5. | The los angeles center prepared almost 400 individual bags of items for the homeless , some of which were given directly to people living on the streets in the la area 洛杉矶小中心为无家可归者准备了近四百份物品,其中一些物品分发给露宿洛杉矶市区街头的流浪汉。 |
| 6. | Remarks : poet bui giang , who lived on the streets , was one of the au lac artists to receive supreme master ching hai s gifts this lunar new year . this letter took months to reach us in a roundabout way 注:流浪街头的诗人裴绛,是今年农历新年时喜获清海无上师赠礼的悠乐国内文艺人士之一,此函辗转于今才送达。 |
| 7. | Children who are victims of war , living on the streets , children with disabilities and no education need more than bread , blankets and medicine . they need a long - term solution to break out of the cycle of poverty 遭受战争摧残流离失所伤残和失学的儿童们不仅仅需要面包被褥和医药,他们更需要的是能冲出贫穷恶性循环圈的方案。 |
| 8. | At the canals near the hualumpong railway station , homeless children survive by living on the streets . these pitiful youngsters were very happy and excited to receive their gifts from the brother and sister initiates 在靠近华路浦hualumpong火车站的通道边,有一些无家可归的孩童栖息在街道旁,当这些可怜的孩子收到同修带来的礼物时,都欢喜雀跃不已。 |
| 9. | The association also organized a program that provided food , blankets , socks and gloves directly to people living on the streets . the officials who operate these charitable centers as well as the homeless people themselves were all touched by supreme master ching hai s extremely noble gesture , especially when they discovered that she was born in au lac 此外,世界会也亲自发送食物毛毯袜子手套等用品到街头流浪者的手中,游民中心的工作人员及游民,尤其知道清海无上师是一位悠乐的女士之后,对她极其高尚的义举更是特别感动。 |